Euromemo Group

Prospects for a popular political economy in Europe

EuroMemorandum 2019

As in previous years the EuroMemorandum 2019 critically analyses recent economic developments in Europe. In the Euro area, economic developments since the crisis have been marked by a deepening productive divergence between the Northern countries and those in the South, with France balanced somewhere between the two. The protracted levels of high unemployment in some countries, together with the growing prevalence of low-wage jobs and insecure patterns of employment, have contributed to rising social discontent in many Euro area states. This has been accompanied by rising support for right-wing nationalist parties in a number of countries, many of which are hostile to the Euro and even to the EU.

Against the background of the increasing influence of right-wing nationalist and populist forces, this EuroMemorandum aims to contribute to the development of a progressive economic policy for Europe. More than ever, it is necessary to reconstruct the project of political integration in Europe in a way which is responsive to the economic and social needs of the great majority of men and women and the ecological needs of the planet. In particular it is necessary to address the needs of those who have been negatively affected by the impact of the protracted crisis which began in 2007-08: the workers faced with intensified workloads, the rising numbers in precarious employment, the unemployed, migrants and other vulnerable groups. It is in this sense, that we argue in favour of a popular political economy for Europe.

The EuroMemorandum 2019 can be downloaded here. More than 200 economists and social scientists from all over Europe and beyond have declared their support for the new EuroMemorandum (click here for the list of signatories).

The EuroMemorandum 2019 is also available in

German: Aussichten für eine politische Ökonomie für alle in Europa

Greek: Προοπτικές για μια λαϊκή πολιτική οικονομία στην Ευρώπη

Italian: Una politica economicaper le classi popolari in Europa

Portuguese: Perspetivas para uma economia política de base popular na Europa

The summary of the EuroMemorandum 2019 is also available in

Polish: Perspektywy ekonomii politycznej ludzi pracy w Europie

Swedish: Utsikter för en folklig politisk ekonomi i Europa

To order a printed booklet, please contact transform! europe for the English booklet and visit Zeitschrift Sozialismus for the German printed version.

If you wish to support the EuroMemorandum 2019 please fill in the declaration of support below and send it to

The EuroMemorandum 2019 draws on discussions and papers presented at the 24th Workshop on Alternative Economic Policy in Europe, organised by the EuroMemo Group in cooperation with the University of Helsinki, from 27-29 September 2018 in Helsinki.

Added Files:
Declaration of support.docDownload (25 kb)