Euromemo Group

Can the EU still be saved? The implications of a multi-speed Europe

EuroMemorandum 2018

Nearly ten years into the crisis, after the EU opted for austerity and deregulation, the member states are still looking for the way out. In vain has the EuroMemo Group warned against the dangers that are inherent in the architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). The repercussions include the rise of ultra-right wing political forces across Europe which feeds into the anti-European popular sentiment they cultivate. Exiting the EU has been gaining ground and will soon be the case for Britain. This represents a turning point in the history of the EU, against an ‘ever closer union’.

Can the EU still be saved? This is a difficult question indeed. The White Paper on the Future of Europe produced by the European Commission details five scenarios. However, these tend to overlook inherent tensions in Europe, e.g. heightened insecurity relating to labour markets, the role of finance in the post-crisis era, and the rise of a subaltern class across Europe. The EuroMemorandum 2018 critically analyses recent developments in Europe and emphasises the strong need for alternative policies. The economic system imposed in the aftermath of the crisis must be changed through a shared European process. A multi-level governance model combining action at the European scale with that of individual governments is needed. The main challenge will be to identify key elements of such a strategy and to build the necessary alliances. The future of European integration will depend on the deepening of democracy in the interests of stability, solidarity and social justice.

The EuroMemorandum 2018 can be downloaded here. Almost 250 economists and social scientists from all over Europe and beyond have declared their support for the new EuroMemorandum (click here for the list of signatories).

The full text of the EuroMemorandum 2018 is available in

English: Can the EU still be saved? The implications of a multi-speed Europe
German: Kann die EU noch gerettet werden? Die Folgen eines Europas der verschiedenen Geschwindigkeiten
Greek: Μπορεί ακόμα να σωθεί η Ευρώπη; Οι επιπτώσεις μιας Ευρώπης των πολλών ταχυτήτων
Italian: L’Unione europea può ancora essere salvata? Le implicazioni di un’Europa a più velocità
Portuguese: Pode ainda a União Europeia ser salva? As implicações de uma Europa a várias velocidades

The summary of the EuroMemorandum 2018 is also available in

Finnish: Voidaanko EU vielä pelastaa? Monivauhtisen Euroopan seuraukset

If you wish to support the EuroMemorandum 2018 please fill in the declaration of support below and send it to

The EuroMemorandum 2018 draws on discussions and papers presented at the 23rd Workshop on Alternative Economic Policy in Europe, organised by the EuroMemo Group in cooperation with the Department of Geography at Harokopio University and the Nicos Poulantzas Institute, from 28-30 September 2017 in Athens.

Added Files:
Declaration of support.docDownload (25 kb)